My friend had noticed that I kept having pizza fails, and they offered to give me a pizza lesson! Really, it was just me watching them make some pizza, but it was so good. They made a whole bunch of pizza dough a few days in advance, and my sister told me that that's really legit to make your own dough and make it days in advance.
They mentioned that a Detroit-style pizza would probably work best in a home oven, so we had a couple of these. I don't have the same special pan that they have, but I have a cast iron pan and I also have some metal baking pans, so I think I could try this on my own!
I don't know if I had ever actually had a Detroit-style pizza before, but this was really good! Definitely on the heavier side, but I don't care, it's pizza. And I love pizza with cheese on bottom and sauce on top.
Since they had so much dough, they also made a bunch of Neopolitan style pizzas, with a really fancy backyard pizza oven!
It was really cool to see the pizza cooking in the oven in real time. I know I can't replicate this at home (my friend said they tried to make this style of pizza in a home oven many times in the past, but you really need much high temps and home ovens just won't get that hot), but I guess one of the things I learned was that you should cook your pizza as hot as you possibly can.
But because I was scared of too many new variables at once, I did not take that advice when I made my own pizza yesterday 😅 But I did buy a new pizza pan! I wasn't really going to do that, but someone in the Aldi Aisle of Shame Facebook group mentioned that this pan was "too non-stick" and that their pizza fell right off the pan! And the pan was only $3 so I was sold! I walked the extra ten minutes to the slightly further away Aldi just to buy it.
My friend also told me that cornmeal works well to prevent the pizza from sticking, so I bought some of that too. And I ended up making some strawberry pizza! I had been wanting to make strawberry pizza for a while, but every time I mention it to other people they're like "Wait...strawberries on a pizza? I don't know about that 🤨" I don't understand the skepticism. When I first saw the idea of a strawberry pizza, I thought, that sounds amazing. Nothing weird about it at all.
So I went to Aldi a couple of days ago to buy my dough, but all they had was jalapeño dough, and I'll admit, now the pizza is sounding a little weird to me. But whatever, it's all they had, so I bought it.
I didn't quite follow the original recipe, but I ended up topping my pizza with ricotta, mozzarella, parmesan, strawberries, bacon, basil, leftover marinated tomatoes from when I made some bruschetta, leftover diced (and sautéed with garlic) sweet onions from the taco night, and leftover balsamic vinaigrette from some salad last week.
And it ended up being delicious. (Of course it was, because strawberry pizza is always delicious) The dough definitely was jalapeño-y, but it wasn't spicy. I don't think I'd ever choose the flavored dough if the regular one was in stock, but it worked fine enough.
And to make things even better, my pizza didn't stick! Honestly, I think it would have been fine without the cornmeal and just a little bit of flour on the bottom. I really think the new pan did all the work to make it not stick.
I definitely want to keep making more pizza. Maybe I'll try Detroit-style next.